mercredi 16 novembre 2011


Independent movies... This issue may seem esoteric. Are they these low-budget films, maybe well reviewed, but that you are sure you have never heard about ? Not exactly...
If we say Pulp Fiction, Little Miss Sunshine, One Flew Over a Cuckoo's Nest, Apocalypse Now, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, American Beauty, Reservoir Dogs, The Big Lebowsky, Donnie Darko, maybe then it means more to you, but these are only chosen pieces from a greater movement. Some good movies don't get the success they deserve, because they are not distributed by a powerful studio, because their budget couldn't involve a sufficient advertising... Indeed, it happens that you see a very striking film, and when you want to share this experience with other people, you realize that nobody know it. That is part of the great story of independent films in Hollywood we would like to explore for our presentation. Hollywood is a big dream machine, much ruled by money and interests. How is it possible for an independent director to make his movie in the middle of this system that crushes the smallest ? How did all begin ? Who are the important figures of this movement ? That is what we're gonna try to explain.